5 memorable moments for €5 million euros

LIKECHARITY raises €5 million for Irish Charities!

This week our free text-to-donate service reached an incredible landmark…

Since 2013 LIKECHARITY has raised €5 million for over 300 Irish charities!! In celebration of this, we decided to come up with 5 of our most memorable moments since the beginning of LIKECHARITY…


1.       Reaching 300+ charities

When we were founded, LIKECHARITY worked with 6 charities. Now we work with 300+ charities, helping them to gain donors and achieve their goals.

We work with everyone from Oxfam Ireland to Dogs Trust, Make-a-Wish to Sightsavers, Irish Wildlife Trust to Operation Smile. You name a cause and we probably work with a charity who supports it!

For a full list of charities & their keywords, click here!

2.       The Viral Campaigns

Last March, Irish ladies went all natural and the #NoMakeUpSelfie craze went viral. Women all over the country supported breast cancer awareness by sharing a makeup-free snapshot alongside their LIKECHARITY receipt. LIKECHARITY harnessed this awareness into €1 million for the Irish Cancer Society in less than 2 weeks.

The viral campaigns continued as the American ALS Ice Bucket Challenge crossed the pond and raised over €1 million for the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association through the LIKECHARITY platform. This phenomenon saw people dumping buckets of ice cold water over their heads and sending a text donation via LIKECHARITY- the ALS challenge participants were left in the cold, but IMNDA surely wasn’t!

3.       Going on air

LIKECHARITY has expanded its reach to include a direct response TV advertisement platform in addition to our text-to-donate platform. Through this branch of LIKECHARITY, we help charities to gain regular monthly donors as opposed to once-off donations.

We have worked with the Irish Cancer Society, Sightsavers, Trócaire, Plan Ireland and numerous charities across the UK and USA to create successful DRTV ad campaigns that have led to hundreds of regular donor sign acquisitions.

4.       Irish Fundraising Awards – Supplier of the Year

Last June, our team was honoured to be named “Supplier of the Year” at the Irish Fundraising Awards.

We were grateful to be recognised for a high standard of innovation and creativity, financial impact, cost effectiveness and customer service.

This encouragement from the Irish charity sector motivated us to continue doing our best work! 

5.       €5 million raised for Irish Charities

And last but certainly not least, our most recent accomplishment- facilitating €5 million euros worth of donations to charities all over Ireland!

Since the start of LIKECHARITY, approximately 1 million people have donated using our services; that is 30% of the adult population of Ireland! In this year alone 139,000 people have already text in a donation through LIKECHARITY.

Our hope is that charities will embrace the public’s preference for easy-to-use, tech based fundraising methods so that together we can expand the impact of charities country-wide!

Join us on our journey to the next €5 million and donate now to one of our many charity partners!


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