Notice: Likecharity’s text to donate service is closing on October 31st 2024.
After 12 great years we are sad to announce that all text to donate keywords on the shortcode 50300 will be turned off on the above date.
Charities are advised not to promote keywords and the public not to attempt a text message donation after this date as donations will not be processed.
Text Giving
Build one-off, regular or competition text campaigns
Text Giving with Credit Card - LikePay *NEW*
Capture larger donations from your supporters
Text Callback *Coming Soon*
Generate leads, manage call queue and sign up donors
Launch a fully managed donor acquisition campaign
Case Studies
Regular Donors Recruited
€8 million
Credit Card Donations
€16 million
Donor file
value created
€15 million
SMS Donations
1 million
Outbound calls