Put Your Mobile To Good Use - Check-In For Good

The popularity of social media and the convenience of mobile donating have been combined to create Check-in For Good. The American based app allows users to check-in to local businesses and retailers and each check-in donates $1 to charity.

As social networking gets ever-popular, with users eager get up-to-date information on where friends are and what they’re doing, Check-in For Good has the potential to raise a huge amount of money for non-profit organisations state side.  

How it works: The Check-in For Good app is available, for free, from the iTunes app store. When you download the app it will show you a list of local retailers, restaurants and other locations that are registered with Check-in For Good and are now a ‘Donation Hotspot’. When you visit one of these locations you can check-in, telling everyone else on the app where you are and what you’re up to. You then choose from the list of causes that your location supports, be it a national charity organisation or a local neighbour gearing up to run a marathon for charity. You then choose which cause you would like to support, and (here’s the best bit) the business, restaurant or shop will then donate $1 to that cause.  

The app seems to fall under the ‘every little helps’ charity ideal, but the company also describe the app as a ‘crowd fundraising solution’. Their partnership with the National Hockey League sees people who attend sporting events in large arenas donating en masse.    

Users can link their Check-in For Good account to their social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest, effectively letting them donate to charity by doing something they’d probably already be doing.

The North Carolina based company are steadily growing more popular with users, charities and businesses. Businesses coming onboard will find that not only does a partnership with Check-In For Good give you an advantage over local competitors, but it acts as free advertising when patrons share their check-in with all of their contacts through their social network. For charities it’s an app you’ll want to get in on ahead of the curve, we predict Check-In For Good will be BIG in 2014.


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